Redas Diržys lives and works in Alytus (Lithuania) and is known for his social interventions, performances and socially engaged practices (teaching, lecturing, writing, and exhibiting). He can be considered a member of the Left discourse. In his social and artistic practices (which usually are inseparable) he criticizes the existing social rituals, the rules of art market, he deconstructs the power mechanisms and capitalist „power centers“. However, this critique has a subversive value – with a degree of irony and sarcasm, the artist often borrows the means of expression and organization from his objects of critique thus creating an artistic intervention or social action that provokes reaction, tension and dialogue. Since 1993 he is running unofficial initiatives of various locally based international art events which eventually got a shape of Alytus Biennial. Currently he elaborates art strike technologies to be applied directly onto the local structures of the „serious culture“and is associated with transnational structure of DAta Miners & Travailleurs Psychique - DAMTP. Since 1995 he is a head of Alytus Art School. Up to 2009 he successfully developed his artistic career internationally. In 2009 he officially refused to be recognised as an artist and associates himself with psychic workers.